Lisa Ann MURACA View Condolences - Niagara Falls, Ontario | Morse & Son Funeral Home
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Condolence From: Lisa Profijt
Condolence: I have never met you Lisa, but I am sure you are in a better place and of course you will never be forgotten by your friends and your family
Friday July 22, 2005
Condolence From: Karen Jones
Condolence: To Lisa's Family,

My heart goes out to your entire family during this very difficult time. Lisa will be forever remembered as a fun-loving, warm and passionate person. She will always live on in our family's memories of her. When I think of Lisa, I think of a strong-willed person who always put others first. She was very kind to my family. Her unique and comical way of just 'telling it like it is' is what made Lisa, Lisa. Although I was usually the 'third wheel' when Lisa and my sister went out, I was always eager to join in with their adventures whenever possible because I knew the night ahead would be a sitcom in itself. Lisa made those people around her laugh, what a beautiful characteristic to have. God Bless Your Family.
Karen Jones
Sunday December 26, 2004
Condolence From: Shawn Coburn
Condolence: Dear Jack and Family Sorry to hear of the loss of your sister and daughter. may god bless you at your time of grief and sorrow.
Friday December 24, 2004
Condolence From: Linda Jones
Condolence: Sorry it took so long for me to write 'ya, Leesie. It's just that you always believed in my writing and now when I need to string the words along more than ever before--they just evade me. I apologize, Lisa but this just isn't an essay or a letter and for once (I know you're laughing:-),I really don't know what to say.

So-here it is-just like the way I've been saying it to you over the past few days.

The sadness I feel for your mother and brother is beyond what I am used to. I haven't been able to verbalize it because I don't think that words can do that adequately.

As for the kids--well, I experienced something that we had just talked about. I didn't have to cajole, coax or nag them or set an alarm clock for any of the events we attended for you. For the first time ever, they just all took it upon themselves to choose their priorities. All the work and Christmas fanfare that I had put myself through could never have brought us closer than this sad situation and for this I am eternally thankful. Thanks, Lees.

I have prayed alot about this because my dad's in Colorado and I don't know what else to do. The best answer to the 'why' that has come to me is pretty logical, I suppose. I had spoken to you about the thousands of children who just get killed because of war and all sorts of things all over this world. I really think I know and understand that God needed you in heaven right now to greet and take care of these children. He needed you even more now than we needed you on earth. I mean, really Lees!, who else would he give the position to??

I always feel so much horror everytime I hear on the news that a child is taken tragically and meaninglessly. For the rest of my life I will feel so much comfort knowing and believing that you are the gal in charge of that in heaven. You were too good with children, too good at what you did. It was inevitable that God would promote you. We understand it, but I'm still very sad.

I didn't have time to write about all the side splitting laughs and private jokes that we share, so in closing I know that you would want to know that everytime I see a penguin under the lamp post at midnight--I'll think of you, my beautiful friend.

I love you, Lisa
Friday December 24, 2004
Condolence From: Gord & Doreen Jones and daughter Sue Bridgman
Condolence: To the Family of Lisa:

We are shocked and so sorry to hear of Lisa's passing. We are presently in Colorado visiting family and have been getting information via e-mail.

Lisa was always very kind and thoughtful with our grandchildren. We have many fond memories of Lisa and we know that she'll be missed greatly by all those who have known her and loved her.


Gord, Doreen, & Sue
Thursday December 23, 2004
Condolence From: Renee Farrell
Condolence: A Note For the Muraca Family:

My name is Renee Farrell. I'm Linda's daughter. I wanted to say that I loved Lisa very much. She was a truly wonderful friend to my mother, and a great person to us. She was more of an aunt, truly. She took care of my brother and I often and I thought of her house as a second home. She taught us manners at the dinner table, to brush our teeth, to love each other. She really was like a mother to us. She showed that love can come from people other than family. However, I would never consider her to be anything less than family. I wanted to say that she was greatly loved and will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sincerely, Renee Farrell
Wednesday December 22, 2004
Condolence From: Johanne Crawley
Condolence: "Bonne nuit belle Lisa" (Goodnight beautiful Lisa).

Jesus said "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not" Lisa your thoughts and actions in this life were a true reflection of those words.

Lisa you were a dedicated, trusting and loyal caregiver to the families in your trust, your love and commitment to these children should be commended.

God gives us all talents, attributes and a purpose. Lisa there is no better gift that one could give than nurturing his children. God is pleased, rest for your work is complete.

I am truly sorry that God has called you home so soon, you will be sadly missed you. I pray that you are soaring with the Lord in the heavenlies at that the Lord commends you by saying "well done my faithful servant".

In your life's work you have planted strong seeds of love and understanding, you have made this world a better place than you found it, and "for that, I believe, you shall inherit wings".

Spread your wings over us and this world to protect our precious children, comfort them while they sleep and help there dreams come true.

Until we meet again "Merci" (thank-you),

Johanne Crawley (Program support worker).
Wednesday December 22, 2004
Condolence From: nancy robertson
Condolence: angelo and jack (chopper) my paryers are with you, all my best,may god bless you all. nancy robertson
Wednesday December 22, 2004
Condolence From: tina senese and baby joseph
Condolence: My Dear Lisa (LALA),As i remember all the good times we had and the laughs we shared the tears start coming.Even though we haven't spoke in a while you were always close in my thoughts. Everytime when you would call and want to talk with your boyfriend Joseph we would joke and say that you will be his only girlfriend.I remember two years ago when you brought us to nonno's birthday at the park that was so much fun. And at Joseph's Baptism you were right there dressing him into his outfit.Lisa these are only a couple of the many times we have shared together.I'm sad that Joseph will not know the beautiful person that you were. Lisa, i'm really going to miss you and your smile i'm grateful that we had such a great friendship and you were always there to help or give an ear.I will always treasure you each and everyday.To Angelo,Gloria and Jack may God be by your side through this trying time . God Bless you.Love Tina and Joseph
Wednesday December 22, 2004
Condolence From: Ryan Farrell
Condolence: Lisa I will always remember you for the unconditional love you gave me as a child. At first you were just another babysitter, but mom made it real clear you were special to her and were not to be treated like the rest. I came to discover it wasn't a job to you but what you loved to do. Maybe it was the special medicine spoon you bought just for me, the song we always listened to on the radio together, that you let me eat all the cookies in the box, or that you always knew what was up at bed time through the two way radio yet you never came up to stop the ruccus. You were always there for me and you always knew what I needed. I'll miss your special laugh, yer grin-like smile, and your sarcastic humour. At 21 years old now I realize that you were my friend, and even being too embarassed to tell my mom I loved her as I got older you were the only exception and I mean the only. Though I feel for you deeper than any of these measily strewn together words will ever tell I know you know and that's all that matters. I cry as I write these words but am so happy to know that at this moment we are recognizing the great person you never even had to try to be and i would like to encourage everyone that visits this site to write a loving word or two because I know we all have at least one great memory of Lisa. Like I told you last month Lees, you don't have to worry 'bout me I'll make you proud, and I'll see you again where all good people go in the end. Have a hug waiting for me. Love Ryan.
Wednesday December 22, 2004

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