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Mark Charles GRAHAM
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Condolence From: Michael and Ann-Marie Burton
Condolence: Dear Colleen,

My parents John and Sue, called us to inform us of Mark's passing. Growing up there were many family occasions with the Graham family, and Mark always made a lasting impression on me. We were at the most recent family gathering, this time for Peter, and it was very evident to me that Mark, amongst other things, had not lost his sense of humour! Ann-Marie and I would like to pass on our most heartfelt sympathy and prayers.
Tuesday August 10, 2004
Condolence From: Susan Tromanhauser ( McKelvie)
Condolence: Colleen:
I was so sorry to hear about Mark. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Although it has been many years since we have got together, I still remember vividly Mark's sense of humour and wit.

Saturday August 07, 2004
Condolence From: Paula Lepp
Condolence: Dear Colleen and family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. It was my privelidge to have been a part of Mark's life these last few years and to have known you and your wonderful family. Mark was an inspiration to me,his wit and his ability to see humour in so many things & his incredible memory were truly amazing.Take solace in the fact that he touched and brought joy to many people and that you have a stong & loving family to support you through your loss.I always looked forward to Tuesdays,I will miss him.
with love & prayers
Paula Lepp
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: Swen & Pam Bluemeke
Condolence: Dear Colleen & family,
Our hearts go out to all of you at the loss of Mark. We were so saddened to hear of his passing, he was such a wonderful person. We really admired Mark & all of his family at the strength & the love you all showed during Marks illness. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all.
Swen & Pam Bluemeke
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: John and Susanne Burton
Condolence: Dear Colleen,
We have just received word of Mark's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and also the boys.
With our love and sympathy.
John, Sue and Lisa.
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: Ms. Debbie Linebaugh
Condolence: Colleen, Evan & Kieran....
Mark was a special person to me. I can remember when I resigned from Para-Med Health Services almost 2 years ago, and how I felt about leaving Mark. Mark was the last patient I had with Para-Med, and I can still remember that 'last duty day' I spent with Mark. Mark will always have a special place within my heart, and I will always feel privileged to have known such a wonderful, caring and giving man. And of course, I could never forget his beautiful smile, and his keen sense of wit! Mark was more than just a patient to me........... he was a good friend!

~~Mark - May you now rest in peace, and know that you will be greatly missed~~

Sincerely, Debbie Linebaugh
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: Richard and Maureen Hewitt
Condolence: Dear Colleen, Evan & brother Paul just called me at work with the news of Mark's death. I'm so sorry that these years could not have been easier for you all. Mark was a wonderful man and I am so happy that Taylor & I came to the Benefit in May. Your friends are amazing and the love by them and all our family is with you always. Mark, Kelly & David and their families send their thoughts of sympathy also.
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: Deane and Mary Holway
Condolence: Colleen: We just wanted you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, as they have been through this ordeal. Although we know you will miss him, Mark is in a much better place and is no longer suffering. Deane and Mary
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: Mollie and Bill MacDonald
Condolence: Dearest Colleen,
It is with great sadness that I am sending this to you. Bill and I are in San Diego, on vacation. Mish called me and I wanted to let you know that our hearts are with you. As you so well know, Mark was one of the best. His wit and mind were the sharpest. Take solace in the fact that he has so many friends.

Colleen, I will see you when I get home,
Mollie and Bill
Wednesday August 04, 2004
Condolence From: Joanne Prinsen/Fekkes
Condolence: Dear Colleen and family,
My heart goes out to you Colleen and your children and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
I read the obituary in the newspaper and was saddened and shocked to hear about the death of Mark.
It's been many years Colleen, but reading the obituary brought memories back of our Legal Assistant days in school. Although this seems perhaps a little distant way to express my condolences I felt compelled to offer you my deepest sympathies.
Joanne Prinsen
Tuesday August 03, 2004

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