Sarah Elizabeth DONOVAN View Condolences - Niagara Falls, Ontario | Morse & Son Funeral Home
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Sarah Elizabeth DONOVAN
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Morse & Son Funeral Home
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Condolence From: Samantha Donovan Holloway
Condolence: Honey,

Its been a week since you have been gone, and it feels
still like yesterday, will this change, I hope one day
it will. I miss you terribly, and the ache in my heart
will not go. Today I have Kennadee, and her smile and
her mischievous look remind me so much of you and how
you are very much alive in her. I thank God so much
to have you in my life, and what gifts you have given
me with Adam and Kennadee. I will never be alone because I know you are there with us all. Love Mom...
Tuesday April 05, 2005
Condolence From: Madison and Zachary Keldson
Condolence: To our number ONE babysitter!!!

Thank you for always taking such good care of us and putting Mommy and Daddy's mind at ease when we were with you!!! You let us watch Sponge Bob and eat goodies without our parents knowing and we always had lots and lots of fun with you! We will miss you very much, and Mommy will never love and trust us with anyone like she did with you. Thanks for being such a loving friend, neighbour, babysitter and honourary family member!

Missing and loving you lots!!
Madison and Zachary
Saturday April 02, 2005
Condolence From: Sandy and Greg Keldson
Condolence: Dear Sam,Ken and Family:
I sit here thinking of what to say that hasn't already been said, but my mind draws a blank. We were lucky enough to be touched by such a wonderful person, even if only for a short while. Sarah will forever be in our hearts and our thoughts as we go about our daily lives and rituals and we will look forward to seeing her again!! I take comfort in knowing that Sarah is up there looking down on all of us and watching over all of her loved ones, and maybe even telling Butch to stop barking at everyone who walks by:) We'd like to thank you for letting us share in Sarah's life and making us feel like a part of your extened family. We hold very fond memories of Sarah and we will miss her dearly!!! I cannot describe how deeply Sarah has touched our hearts as well as many, many others, she truly was an angel here on earth and a gift to all. I know her spirit lives within Kennedee and therefore has left a little piece of herself here for us to remember and enjoy! If we can do anything at any time for you and your family please do not hesitate to call.
We'll talk soon!
Our deepest sympathy and love for you all!
Greg and Sandy
Saturday April 02, 2005
Condolence From: monica duimel
Condolence: words do not describe the pain or any thing that you and your family and her precious little girl is going through right now. My daughter has been freinds with Sarah since the year 2000 lost contact and ended up together again at the class they were going to. So God be with you and help you along this tough journey that faces you ahead. but you can do it i lost my brother when he was 19 but one day at a time can help in so many ways i know it is to early but eventually time does heal but once again i am so sorry to hear of your loss and god be with you every step of the way monica duimel
Friday April 01, 2005
Condolence From: Theresa Duimel
Condolence: Adam,Kennadee,Sarah's Family and Adam's Family
I am so sorry about your loss. I have known Sarah since 2000 where we met in grade 9. I'll never forget the great times that we had together with katie and natasha and bev. She was a really great person and she will be missed greatly by everyone that knows her or of her. She was so helpful when anyone needed to talk u could always turn to her to listen. Sarah rset in peace and we all miss you a great deal down here.
Love Theresa
Thursday March 31, 2005
Condolence From: Roseanna
Condolence: hi i am theresa's younger sister when i heard that she passed away i was sad. even tho i dont know her. well i dont know her that much but yah well thats all i have to say bye for know i will try to right back soon.
Thursday March 31, 2005
Condolence From: Megan Mckee
Condolence: Sarah, everytime I was with you, you made me laugh and made me smile. Theres nothing you could say that wouldnt put a smile on everyones face. I think these days everyone forgets how to be a trusting friend. But you didnt. I could always trust you, you were always there for me. I remember those long nights at the dounut diner when we would talk about anything and everything until all hours of the night / morning. I saw you and adam and your beautiful little angel kennadee thursday, I wish I could do that all over again. But this time tell you how much you meant to me. And sit and talk for hours like we used too. But your not gone. You will always be with me, in everything I do. There is a little bit of you in everyone of us. And I will NEVER ever forget you. Every tear that falls I wipe away because I know you would be yelling at me to smile. And when I think of you. Thats what I do.
With More love than you will ever know,
Your friend forever, Megan.
xxx ooo
Adam, Kennadee, The Donovans,lamarches,Holloways...
Sarah touched so many people. I cant tell you how sorry I am, because there are no words to describe it. Sarah will live on in everyone of us in a different way. We have our memories and storys. I wish you all the best and all my love.

Thursday March 31, 2005
Condolence From: Sarah Morningstar
Condolence: In life you taught many lessons, and in passing you have taught us one more. Life is to short, there is reason to smile, laugh and be happy even when it seems your at your worst. We were not as close as others but we had our times and they will not be forgotten, there was smiles, laughs and a loud booming voice filled with life that i still can hear. I feel sympathy not for your short lived life or unexpected death but for the loss of a wonderful person who has touched many people in her own way. There is no doubt you will live on in Kenadee, and everyone you have touched. I feel sympathy for Kenadee because she will not get to know such an amazing woman who was her mother, or see her parents grow together, but she will know you through the friendship and love you have shared with others. I say goodbye knowing you have found happiness once again and that you will not be forgotten by myself, Adam, family and your many friends near and far. You are missed already, I send my deepest sympathy to those closer to you than I.
With Love
Thursday March 31, 2005
Condolence From: Samantha Donovan Holloway
Condolence: My darling daughter:

Today I have finally said goodbye, but I know you are
with me forever in my heart. I never realized how many
people you touched in your short stay with us, and I am
so happy that they were a part of your life. I can never remember all the names, but the faces I will remember, and I wil think how you left a little bit of yourself in them all. I love you and miss you so much,
and I thank much for leaving me with Adam and
Kennedy, what gifts they are! You will especially be
missed by all your brothers and sisters, but you have
made such an impact with them in drawing them closer.
I thank you for letting me be your mother, and I look
forward to being together with you again. Love Mom...
Wednesday March 30, 2005
Condolence From: Michael Volpato
Condolence: I can't say sorry enough and it's a dame shame that good people like sara are taken so soon.
My condolences are all i can give i wish i could give more.
Wednesday March 30, 2005

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