Shawn Robert McDONNELL View Condolences - Niagara Falls, Ontario | Morse & Son Funeral Home
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Shawn Robert McDONNELL
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Condolence From: rick and mary ann mcdonnell
Condolence: I didn't fill in my name on the previous message, about Heaven

Lauren and Katylin
just had you in our thoughts, take care and God bless you both. Please feel free to call anytime. Rick and mary Ann
Friday December 03, 2004
Condolence From: can you foward this on to Lauren
Condolence: My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees
Around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven
Friday December 03, 2004
Condolence From: Andrea Jones
Condolence: I went to grade school with Cory McDonnell at Cherrywood and I remember meeting Shawn a couple of times back then. When I heard this my heart went out to their family, especially Shawn's little girl.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Tuesday November 16, 2004
Condolence From: Marilyn Ceccato-McDonnell
Condolence: Although I didn't know Shawn as a sister should I did have the opportunity to speak with him briefly on a another occasion. From that short conversation I saw a young man who carried his heart on his sleeve, where feelings ran deep with love and respect for family even unknown to him. I feel a great personal sorrow for not reaching out in fear of intruding on his life. My heart goes out to you Chris his mother a woman he loved dearly, to his daughter Kaitlyn and his wife Lauren for their loss. My thoughts are with you and yours! If ever I can do anything please let me know Iam truly just an email away. Lots of love, God Bless you Shawn. Your sister Marilyn...xoxo
Friday October 22, 2004
Condolence From: Julie Desilets-Wilkins
Condolence: I went to high school with Shawn. Although I didn't know him very well, he hung out with our "group" and the few times that I did speak with him he seemed very nice and a little shy. A quiet person (back then).
The last time I saw Shawn was during a First Aid/CPR course I took at St John's Ambulance a couple of years ago. It was good to see a familiar face.
I am so very sorry to hear of his passing. My heartfelt condolences go out to his wife, daughter, parents, and siblings, as well as extended family and freinds. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all, and that Shawn will be with you everyday of your lives even if he isn't here. Glod bless and be well.
Wednesday October 20, 2004
Condolence From: Lara and John Rootes
Condolence: Dear Lauren and Kaitlyn,
We are so very sorry for your loss. We are praying for you and your family during this time. Although we didn't know Shawn personally, we have both heard such good things about him and can only imagine what a truly deep loss this is for you. Take care of yourselves and remember that we are just down the street if you need anything. God bless you both and your family.
Lara and John Rootes
Tuesday October 19, 2004
Condolence From: Lydia and Hilary
Condolence: Lauren,
We want you to know that we are thinking of you and your family during this difficult time of loss. We pray that you all find comfort and strength in each other and friends. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.

All our love,
Lydia and Hilary.
Tuesday October 19, 2004
Condolence From: Darren Peacock
Condolence: Lauren,
Let me express how truly sorry I am for you and your daughter's loss. May God bless you both in this difficult time. If there is ever anything that I can do for either of you let me know.

Darren Peacock
Tuesday October 19, 2004
Condolence From: Lisa Tottle
Condolence: Lauren
I am truly sorry for your loss. I know that there are no words that can make this time any easier. Just know that you have the love and support of everyone in the room whenever you might need it. If there is anything you need or even just someone to listen please don't hesitate to ask.

May god bless you and your daughter.
With love Lisa
Tuesday October 19, 2004
Condolence From: Donna Marinelli
Condolence: Lauren and Family, I remember Shawn from working with him in Security and he was a great guy. I was sorry to hear about his passing. Please remember you have a tremendous amount of support from family and friends, and I hope you can find comfort in your time of need.
Monday October 18, 2004

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